Dear Friends,
My wife Bobbie and I are sending our best wishes to all who are celebrating the 40th Anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar today and our heartfelt gratitude for all of the messages from readers from around the world.
We have heard of celebrations taking place in Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, England, Puerto Rico, New York, California, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Singapore and in other cities and countries around the world.
It is a wonderful day!
Eric and Bobbie Carle
Thank You Eric Carle for all that you have contributed to Art, Literacy, and the Imagination. My sixth grade art students were introduced to you again for the first time in a long time, and realized that though they are growing up, they never really grew away from your books. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteHello Eric
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, we were neighbors on Crescent Street. My wife Sallie and I lived several houses down.. opposite Jim Locke when he and Richard were working on your house. Over the years, Sallie and I would regularly nod and smile and occasionally chat with you or Barbara as you walked your fluffy white Samoyed and we walked our yellow Lab. I remember you talking to me about the Apple Corps logo that was on a T-shirt I was wearing. Our kids loved coming to your house on Halloween.....Barbara was so gracious and creative with the kids. Although we moved in 1992 (we now live a few hundred yards away on Washington Ave), we have always identified that house on the corner of Bancroft as your house....I think most folks who were around back then also do.
This week's article in Newsweek is so sweet...I think they are rarely so obviously smitten with their subject. Now over 60 myself, and with the kids grown, I appreciate the precious achievement reflected in that portrait, and want to say Happy Birthday....you are remembered with gratitude by old neighbors (we have an artist's proof of yours...a panda...over our mantel, so there are daily reminders). We wish you and Barbara many more years to savor the life you have built.
Kevin Lake
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Las Vegas! I am celebrating this very special day with you and all the many fans you have. You have contributed such great Art and imagination for millions of children. You still bring out the big kid in me: Thank you!
Enjoy your special day :)
Biggest Hugs to You Both~
Congratulations on the anniversary of this unique book! It was one of my son's favourites when he was a little boy. And a very happy 80th birthday to yourself!
ReplyDeleteIt IS a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your dedication to color and life. Much love, Rachel.
Thank you for your work! :) I saw the Google logo this morning at work and got all excited! When I have kids, I'm definitely reading the The Very Hungry Caterpillar to them!
ReplyDeleteAlso, happy first day of Spring!!! :D :D :D
Mr. Carle, We love your beautiful stories, colors, your imagination, your love for what you do. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the first DVD my soon to be one year old son watched. He was mesmerized with the colors when he was only a month old! Congratulations on this very special anniversary for you!
ReplyDeleteWith love, from Texas!
Congratulations on 40 years of bringing happiness to kids of all ages. I loved the book as a child, used it for many years when I was teaching at a nature center and now, my 9-month-old son loves to read it too. (Although, quite appropriately I think, the first thing he tried to do with it at Christmas when he got it was to eat it... very hungry little boy!)
ReplyDeleteHappy 40th and 80th Mr. Carle! I teach Kindergarten in Atlanta and we have had a wonderful 'Very Hungry Catapillar Day"!! My 3 year old won't go to bed without 'reading' one of your books and sometimes I find them under her pillow in the morning! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with the world!
For over 17 years this has been and always will be my favorite book.
When I was little my mother had to read it to me every evening as a bed time story, for years.
And still I love looking trought it, the wonderfull illustrations and the lovely story.
Thank you for creating en writing this amazing book!
Dear Eric Carle:
ReplyDeleteWe are Ms. Spilker's second grade class from Plymouth Creek Elementary.
We are in Plymouth, MN. We all love your books. Happy 40th Anniversary. Congratulations on the the very Hungry Caterpillar!
The Class
P.S. Our Media Specialist, Mrs. Mays and our class like your Wife's white hair! we are sending you a picture!
Dear Mr. Carle:
ReplyDeleteI just had to say thank you for making The Very Hungry Caterpillar book. I loved it when I was a kid and would sign it out of the library ALL the time.
I can't wait until we have kids so that I can share this book again with them.
And plus, it'll give me an excuse to sign it out of the library again!
Congratulations on this special day!
Hi, Happy birthdays! Thanks so much for your wonderful art and sharing your gift with everyone. The Very Hungry Caterpillar book was the first to be chosen from the library shelf each time we'd go. My kids loved that book. It will be one of the first books I buy for the grandchildren I hope to have someday.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the tissue paper collages, as a kid I loved doing that and I still do when I get the chance. I taught art classes for children for a bit and they always loved the tissue collages.
PS Re: your blog pic, you are so cute and your wife is beautiful!
Just read a lovely article about you in Newsweek and I wanted to stop by and say hello! Congratulations on your success!
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Montreal, Canada. I just wanted to stop in to wish you all the very best. My son is 5 years old and we love reading your books. You are one of my son's favorite authors. Thanks for writting so many fantastic books. All the very best.
ReplyDeleteHello Mr. Carle,
ReplyDeleteWe just love your books! I teach kindergarten and have a four-year old daughter. I can't imagine a child's library without them.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!
With Love from Encinitas, CA,
Mary Ruppert
What a blessing your books have been in my household. Recently I took in a girl and her baby from our church. She had lost her job and found herself steps from being homeless. When she moved in with us she'd discovered your books. I have many, many of them for my babies. She is in LOVE! We found the toys at our local store for babies based on the books. THANK YOU! She has SO enjoyed sharing these stories and toys with her baby during this hard and trying time. The best of blessings to you and yours Mr. Carle.
ReplyDeleteWe LOVE the Caterpillar here in San Antonio, Texas. :) I read it to my oldest daughter when she was a newborn (she would always fall asleep to stories, and still does at 3.5!) and now we read it to our newborn, along with Brown Bear. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your beautifully written and illustrated stories. :D
Thank you for such a wonderful collection of books, art, and inspiration! Also, happy birthday to the caterpiller that took my heart (about 37 years ago) and has done the same for my young son (he's four).
ReplyDeleteEric, you've always been a huge inspiration in my life. Congrats on all your success and your contributions to children's art. You are a legend.
Congrats on the 40 years for The Hungry Caterpillar!! This book was one of my favourites when I was in a youngster in elementary school. I have 2 boys ages 10 and 6 and have read this book to them on many occasions. Thanks so much for making reading fun for everyone.
ReplyDeleteWhen our foster son first came to live with us, he wanted "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" every night before bed. Your story soothed and healed a very damaged and confused little boy. That was almost 8 years ago and now we're in the process of adopting our little William.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from RI. Your books rock! Keep up the good work! I like wombats
ReplyDeletehey eric! i'm `13. my name is michael finnie. when i was a kid, my mom read me some of your books,and i loved them. i remember the Caterpillar, the baker one, and also the music one.
ReplyDeleteI just found this blog, and wanted to stop in and say thank you! Thank you for all the wonderful books, illustrations, and inspiration that you have given my children and myself. Happy 40th anniversary!
ReplyDeleteMy wife was very excited to see the "Very Hungry Caterpillar" featured on Google's homepage today and she showed me your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great website too.
Congrats on your anniversary and keep eating honey! Thank you.
I'm so glad that I went to google, and then found out that it's the 40th anniversary. =) Thanks for creating a timeless classic children's book.
ReplyDeleteMr. Carle,
ReplyDeleteI have to say as a 4th grade teacher, I am still reading many of your books to my students at least once a week. In addition, The Hungry Caterpillar is my 3 year son's favorite book. Thanks for the great memories with all your great books.
I read your book as a little kid and hope to read it to my own kids one day. You are an amazing illustrator and author!
ReplyDeleteHola Eric Carle,
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias your books were an excellent way for teaching children around the world good manners and good moral values, we enjoyed all of them while in Kindergarten and later on during their early school years,one of our favorites was "The Grouchy Lady Bug". A big hug and big kiss to you from California.
Did you see your google tribute?
ReplyDeleteThey've given their logo the caterpillar treatment. :)
The google logo is wonderful. Many years ago, our youngest (now 11) earned the nickname "the very hungry caterpillar", though we've never actually seen her eating leaves! We love your books, and especially appreciate the way that you honor a child's sense of wonder about the world. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Hungry Caterpillar!! I have soo many happy memories of reading this book and now I'm creating more reading it with my nephew!! Your books are all soo wonderful, we love all of them. And a very Happy Birthday to you too!!
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Carle,
ReplyDeleteThe happiest of birthdays, both to you and to The Very Hungry Caterpillar! You have both brought so much joy to the lives of so many - thank you :)
Here is my tribute to you on my blog this happy day:
with love,
Megan Walker
I loved your books back in the day.
I wish to honor and thank you for your wonderful stories and art. It has been a joy to read them through the years. I wrote a post about the 40th anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and you on my blog today: http://splendidlittlestars.blogspot.com/2009/03/its-book-of-hope.html
ReplyDeletethis book, along with all of your books, have brightened my life, and inspired me greatly. When my son was born the carle catalogue of books, wisked me off my feet, demanded my attention, made both sam and I smile, and laugh, and imagine. It's crazy, I went to the bookstore today in the downtown area where i live and the shop lady didn't even realize it was the
ReplyDelete40th anniversary of the very hungry caterpilar. huh? I bought my son a book of his choice in honour of the anniversary. Bedtime wouldn't be the same without your work mr. carle. thanks a bunch! Sam thanks you too! real good bread thanks you as well!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful books!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey are by far my favorite books and your are my favorite childrens author!!!!
Storytime at home wouldn't be the same!!!!
My oldest (8) said when she grows up she wants to be an artist just like you! :) So you lesson on how you do your art was perfect i downloaded it and printed it off so you can practice!
thanks again we love you
My four-year-old son and I attended one of the anniversary celebrations today. My husband and I have been reading your books to our children since they were weeks old, and _The Very Hungry Caterpillar_ is one of their favorites. Our son was absolutely enchanted today by the new pop-up edition. "That is amazing!" he whispered after the turn of each page. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world, and especially for that book, which will always have a special place in our hearts.
The Nguyen Family
Hola Eric,
ReplyDeleteThank very much for your art work!
I appreciate it so much!
"The very hungry caterpillar" it is essential to me and to my little children at school.
I feel the need to explain the story to all the children I have worked with.
And it is a very special book, because it was a present from my American best friend Andrea, from Rochester.
Thanks again, Stel.la from Barcelona, Spain.
When my son was 2, this was his obsession. Like many other mothers, I read this with him over and over and over again. He memorized it enough to read it to me. When he was 4, he made PlayDoh characters to go with the story...some green leaves, a caterpillar, a sausage, an apple pie, Swiss cheese and so on. He is 14 now, and the other day we watched the video tapes of him reading the book and then telling the story with the clay pieces. Thank you for being a part of our lives.
ReplyDeleteCertainly, Mr. Carle, you have contributed as much beauty to the world as anyone, if not more!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your imaginative work with all of us and our children.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you Eric Carle, I love your books and my students love your books. I work in a children' art museum and I can't tell you how many project we do, "Eric Carle Style". We make painted papers and create beautiful collages, pre-school to adult. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 80th birthday and 40th anniversary of one of the most successful children's books of all time!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to share with you how my beautiful 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Sigrid Ann Strombo, celebrated the anniversary of your work. Please see the attached entry into my daughter's blog.
Sigrid Ann's Dad will be leaving for a year in Afghanistan on this Friday as you can see from the blog. I plan to mail her your new pop-up book as a little gift to help the transition days ahead of her. Is there some way I could mail it to you after I purchase it so you could autograph it for her? This may not be possible I know as surely you receive many such requests!
Congratulations again on your wonderful creativity and enriching the lives of many little ones such as my daughters in their time and my granddaughter today.
Dee Rasmussen
PS -Being from North Carolina, I'm delighted to learn that you chose our fair state to make your hone in for part of the year.
Hello Eric,
ReplyDeleteI teach year three children, here in New Zealand. I just love your books, in particular I love your illustrations. On many occassions I have used these as motivation for art work where children have produced wonderful pieces that they are proud of. What made me look up your web page, was that I stumbled across a book called "The Hole in the Dike". Next term we are looking at Holland, so I was thrilled to have this book illustrated by you to add to my list of resources for this topic. Thank you so much.
Thank you for creating beautiful art!
ReplyDeleteYou are by far, my favourite author! ...as a child I had a miniature-copy of the Caterpillar, and my mom had to replace it twice, as it fell apart from heavy usage! :)
I often grab it just to read trough and remember, and it has saved many a gray day! Thank you, and happy anniversary!
i hope your at the LA Times book festival I have wanted to meet you for so long!
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary to your book.
ReplyDeleteI read the Newsweek story about you, and I hope you find something to keep the crabs out of your garden.
Many years ago I took my 2 children to a book signing of yours at a children's book shop in D.C.
ReplyDeleteLast weekend my daughter told me that she is expecting a child...my first grandchild. The baby's first gift from me was the signed copy of The Hungry Caterpillar (yes, I hoarded it to myself these several years in anticipation of such an event). My daughter was thrilled. You have brought untold joy to many children of the world (and parents and grandparents as well). Thank you.
Happy Birthday Hungry Caterpillar!
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Carle, as an educator, I have enjoyed watching young children learn to read using your picture books. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and text. We make our own Eric Carle pictures after watching your video.I am saving all my books for when my girls have grandchildren and I can show them the wonderful caterpillar, spider, firefly, and brown bear.
As my daughter would say, "You rock!"
Rosemary Smith
Kingsport, TN
Sydney, Molly and Giselle send their thanks and admiration...
ReplyDeleteHello Mr Carle.
ReplyDeleteI am a 29 year old married woman from Norway who still to this day fondly remember reading about The Very Hungry Caterpillar when I was a very young girl. I now have a 5 year old son, who I read goodnight-stories too, and he INSISTS on reading your book every night, so from the bottom of my reader-loving heart; thank you so incredibly much for writing this book, letting me share my love of stories with my son. I really hope that somday, in the future, he will also take enjoyment from reading it to his children ^^
Wishing a very happy, and somewhat belated birthday to you,as well as the Very Hungry Caterpillar from Norway, Mrs Moller-Davidsen and her son :)
Thank you Mr. Carle, for this wonderful book! I remember my dad read it to me when I was a little kid, and it was my favorite. Congratulations and thank you for this wonderful, joyous book!
ReplyDelete¡Feliz Cumpleaños Eric Carle! I am writing just to share with you our event. It was a very wonderful experiense! All my kindergarten's students love and enjoy your books. Attached in my wiki are some pictures of the exposition of their collages. Receive it as a birthday gift with love from my students. http://expresarte.wikispaces.com
Congratulations! 40th anniversary! That's truly amazing. That book is a classic and I truly enjoy it. I am a student earning my early childhood degree and am currently taking a children's lit class. I have been assigned an author study project and I chose to present about you. I am going to give a 15 minute presentation on your work. I wish I had more time for I believe you have done some amazing work! I just want to wish you continued success on all that you do. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to the world's children.
ReplyDeleteA very happy birthday to the v. h. caterpillar from Wales.
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful to own this book. The story is easy to read and remember. Lots of imaginations and beautiful ideas come to me when I read.My son do love it. Thank you. d(^^)b
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday and best wishes to you and your family.
Hello Eric,
ReplyDeleteMy son celebrate his 1st Birthday this special year. He is having a Hungry Caterpillar cake and we would love to buy him a signed pop up book. We live in the Uk, just wondered if you have any ideas where we might get one. Thank you for creating the best book ever.