Happy Year of the Horse 2014!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
A milestone for Mermaid Theatre!
I am delighted to tell you that today marks a milestone for The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia who will take to the stage for the 3000th performance of their wonderful black light puppetry production of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Since 1999, their magical black light production based on my story has been performed for nearly two million people. I am honored that Mermaid Theatre has been a kind of ambassador for my books through their adaptation of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and wish to thank and congratulate all of my friends on Mermaid Theatre's remarkably creative team.
For more information and for their current performance schedule, you might like to visit The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia's web site.

For more information and for their current performance schedule, you might like to visit The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia's web site.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Visiting, Signing and Celebrating
We are home now after two weeks in Massachusetts and New York. It was a busy and exciting time, visiting with many dear friends and making my annual appearance at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art where I signed copies of my new book Friends. Here are three sisters who came to the signing in their matching T-shirts!
Many families and visitors waited patiently in line and enjoyed activities throughout the Museum. It is always gratifying to meet readers and teachers, grandparents and local college students who grew up with or are currently enjoying my books.
From western, Massachusetts we drove to New York City for the 8th Annual Carle Honors hosted by the very entertaining and talented Angela & Tony DiTerlizzi and held in the beautiful Guastavinos space built underneath the 59th Street Bridge.
After the excitement at the Carle Honors, Bobbie and I visited with more friends in New York.
And then on Monday, I was fortunate to participate in an event at the New York Public Library with Judy Blume and Leonard Marcus (Leonard is a long time friend of the Museum).
Here I am with Judy Blume and all of the children's librarians at the New York Public Library! It was quite an honor to be there and brought us to the end of a wonderful visit.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"We Art Boston"
My friend Jarrett Krosoczka stopped by today and I was delighted to contribute to the "We Art Boston" fundraising project for Boston Children's Hospital's trauma unit.
I was very happy to be able to participate.
For more information about this project
please visit:http://www.facebook.com/weartboston
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A Bridge
When I was a young boy, leaving home to go to school was a difficult transition for me. So creating books for very young children has been particularly meaningful. I hope my books will help to bridge the world of home to the world inside the classroom and school for children. Wishing you all good beginnings of the new school year. I am grateful to the teachers who help each child make their way.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
In an earlier blog post, I shared images of posters I had designed as a young art student in Germany. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few more of these. Here I am at 20 years old when I first started to design posters for Amerika Haus.

During World War ll, German propaganda depicted the United States as a country of gangsters, chewing gum, skyscrapers and without "Kultur." All countries create propaganda that portrays the enemy in the worst way, some true, some half true and some lies. It would be an interesting lesson to compare WW ll propaganda with the reality of today: former "bad" enemies are now "good" allies, friends and trade partners!
After the war in 1945, the United States Information Service established the Amerika Haus in the larger German cities of the U.S. Zone (Germany had been divided into the U.S., British, French and Soviet Zones). The Amerika Haus, typically centrally located within each city, provided more or less a "look at the USA" and reintroduced the German people after 12 years of Nazi Dictatorship under Hitler (1933-45) to the people and culture of its former enemy. The Amerika Haus countered the negative view of the United States and the free world. It housed a library with books and magazines mostly in English, arranged discussion groups, performed plays, concerts, movies and exhibitions, for instance, a show on architecture from the United States. From time to time, the Amerika Haus arranged joint ventures with German cultural institutes (see below). The concept of the Amerika Haus was ingenious, successful and resonated with the German population eager for more contact with the outside world from which it had been isolated for many years.

From 1945 to 1949 I studied graphic design at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Applied Arts) in Stuttgart, Germany. I was interested in poster design. FASCHING is a student study I designed for carnival which was a music and theater festival during which regular classes were suspended.

Here I am with a group of fellow art students during carnival.
Mr. William Lovegrove, United States Cultural Attache, inquired at the Akademie whether a young student would be interested in designing posters for the events at the Amerika Haus. And that is how I, at the age of 20, became a poster designer.

My first design WESTAFRIKA IN SEINER KUNST was for a joint venture between the Amerika Haus and the local Lindenmuseum. I submitted several sketches to Mr. Lovegrove and found him to be very selective and demanding. Finally he agreed to a design which I executed as a large linoleum cut and a commercial printer printed it (very carefully! Linoleum is very soft. Printers at that time usually printed from steel plates) in an edition of 100. This design was also used for a catalog. Soon thereafter, Mr. Lovegrove asked me for another design. Remembering how particular he was, I suggested that I submit 3 sketches from which he had to choose. My professor in art school, Professor Schneidler, had impressed upon me that clients often do not know what they want and have to be told what they need. Later on, I found out that Mr. Lovegrove had studied art at the Sorbonne in Paris!
Mr. Lovegrove responded to my suggestion: "Mr. Carle, with your West Afrika poster you have shown that you are a good designer. From now on you, without my input, select the design." He told me about silk screening, of which I knew nothing and ordered from the United States inks and material necessary to print my posters. From then on, I designed and executed the posters (the total number of which I cannot remember). And when I immigrated to the U.S. in 1952, I only brought a small cardboard suitcase as I needed to be economical in what I packed. There were several more posters. But here are a few that I hope you will enjoy seeing.

AMERIKANISCHE VOLSKUNST (American Folk Art) was an interesting and unusual show of American Folk Art, and very much appreciated by the visitors.

Tennessee Williams' DIE GLAS MENAGERIE and

THE BAT a popular Broadway play at the time. Both examples from American writers/poets/playwrights.

EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE 12 TON MUSIK, INTRODUCTION TO 12 TON MUSIC reintroduced avant-garde music, created by composer Arnold Schönberg who was Jewish, which had been banned in Nazi Germany as "Degenerate Art."

A lecture on Public Relations which had been an almost unknown concept in Germany, given by a former German prisoner of war who had been in a camp in the U.S. and while there studied this subject.

A poster for a performance or a play, this poster was awarded "One of the 10 best posters of the year."

EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE 12 TON MUSIK, INTRODUCTION TO 12 TON MUSIC reintroduced avant-garde music, created by composer Arnold Schönberg who was Jewish, which had been banned in Nazi Germany as "Degenerate Art."

A lecture on Public Relations which had been an almost unknown concept in Germany, given by a former German prisoner of war who had been in a camp in the U.S. and while there studied this subject.

A poster for a performance or a play, this poster was awarded "One of the 10 best posters of the year."
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I am not Norton Juster
Because my dear friends Barry Moser and Norton Juster are frequently mistaken for me, the staff at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art made them these T-shirts, which they wore with smiles on their faces at the Museum's 10th anniversary celebration in November.
Then, a few months later, I received a shirt in the mail from Norton Juster for me to wear at "important occasions" when I would be mistaken for him!
Life is always better when your friends have a good sense of humor.
Friday, June 14, 2013
My Father
My father gave me very few material gifts, but the gift he gave me was that on weekend mornings, automatically, we’d go for long walks and talk with each other about all kinds of things. He truly loved me, and this I realized much, much later.
Happy Father's Day to all!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all! Here I am with my Mother when I was 10 years old on vacation in the Black Forest. I remember being very happy to be with my parents in the country. This photo was taken in 1939 just before the war began. It was our first and last family vacation.
Friday, May 3, 2013
A Great Day in Pittsburgh
Bobbie and I were in Pittsburgh yesterday where I was honored to receive the 2013 Great Friend to Kids Award from the Association of Children's Museums.
It was a wonderful day and I feel very pleased to be recognized by this organization. I was interviewed by Larry Berger and was presented the award by Jane Werner, Janet Rice Elman and Susan Hildreth.
Photo credit: Larry Rippell
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Beyond Books at the Tacoma Art Museum
This past weekend, Bobbie and I attended the opening of the exhibit of my independent art (Art Art, as I like to call it) at the Tacoma Art Museum.

It was a wonderful time, giving a talk with Museum Director Stephanie Stebich, signing books and meeting new and old friends. I am very grateful to all at the Tacoma Art Museum where the exhibit will be on display until July 7, 2013.
Photo credits: Amy Dieringer
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Day 2013
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Day 2013 is coming up on March 20th! Look for events and activities in your area!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Cats in the Family
This is my cat Fiffi from ages ago when I lived in New York City whose favorite place was in a pewter bowl on my work table where she kept me company.
And here is another friend in the cat family, my Green Lion!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Metal Sculptures
Simplify, simplify, simplify. My aim with my work is to simplify and refine, be logical and harmonious. A number of years back, I made these metal sculptures of animals some of which have been included in the exhibit of my non-illustration art, Beyond Books: The Independent Art of Eric Carle currently at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. I believe these sculptures are examples of my approach applied to its fullest extent. The most simplified figure I have created.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
A Winter's Night
These days, I do not miss the winter, but I have fond memories of peaceful, snowy nights with bright stars in a clear dark sky.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
South for the Winter
Just like the little rubber duck drifted South in my story, I have also happily migrated to warmer climates for the winter.
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